Lead paint dust is invisible and through a child’s innate curiosity… their crawling, putting their hands in their mouth from investigating the world around them…
In children’s bodies under 6 years old… 50% of ingested and inhaled lead dust stays in their system. Lead is distributed to their brain, kidneys, liver, teeth, and bones.
Lead poisoning also affects women of childbearing years. Lead in their bones moves through the blood which exposes the fetus to damage.
Lead poisoning often has non-specific symptoms, such as irritability in children or high blood pressure in adults.
The signs and symptoms of lead poisoning can be misdiagnosed by medical personnel, thus delaying effective treatment and increasing the likelihood of permanent physical and mental damage. You should let your doctor know about your work history and any lead-related exposures in order to receive an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.
What does it look like with 50% of ingested lead sticking to your bones?
Think of this as your arm and bone. I’m using thumbtacks as lead dust. Lead accumulates in the body over time causing more and more permanent damage.
A little lead dust here, a little lead dust there… more and more lead dust. This day was a good day… and this was a bad day.
You don’t want this to be an example of you or your children’s bones… AND you don’t know how much lead is in the body unless you get your blood lead level or B.L.L. tested.
Ask your doctor to test the blood lead level or B.L.L.
Ask questions, make comments, subscribe to my channel and first things first… test your children for lead poisoning:
Call 1-800-424-LEAD or 1-800-424-5323