Lead-Safe vs Lead-Free

Lead-Safe Resources

Lead-Safe vs Lead-Free

There’s a world of difference between Lead-Safe and Lead-Free. Why? Because there’s no such thing as Lead-Free. Let me repeat that.  

There is no such thing as Lead-Free!

Lead is found everywhere in our environment… in the soil, in the air, and of course, in lead paint. The Lead Paint Detectives have performed inspections all over Northwest, Ohio including Perrysburg, Whitehouse, Bryan, Toledo, and more. We've been hunting down sources of lead dust, finding lead dust, and helping families figure out where it’s coming from, and what to do about invisible lead dust.

Lead-Safe vs Lead-Free - What's the difference?

Was your home built before 1978? More than likely, lead paint was used. Homes built before 1978 have a high likelihood that lead paint was used. The older the home is, the more likely lead paint is present.

So, if there’s no such thing as Lead-Free, what do you do?

You create a Lead-Safe home. Lead-painted friction surfaces like doors, windows, old cabinets… they all create invisible lead dust that’s toxic to humans. You can check to see if you have invisible lead dust issues with Lumetallix Instant Lead Detection test. You can check on your friction surfaces after you’ve cleaned them to make you clean Lead-Safe.

Lumetallix Instant Lead Detection test is easy to use and you get the results instantly. 

If it glows NEON GREEN, you’ve found invisible lead dust!

You can get your Lumetallix Instant Lead Detection test at Lumetallix.us.

With proper maintenance, Lead-Safe cleaning, and Lead-Safe testing using Lumetallix Instant Lead Detection test, you can get exactly what you’re looking for, a home that’s healthy and Lead-Safe.

Protecting you and your family from toxic lead dust is extremely important. You're already cleaning, you might as well be cleaning Lead-Safe.

The Lead Paint Detectives have produced videos about Lead-Safe cleaning techniques and methods, products to use, what to do, and what not to do. The videos show with proper Lead-Safe cleaning techniques, you can live Lead-Safe in a lead-painted home.

Check out the How to Prepare page and watch the videos showing Lead-Safe cleaning techniques and what to do and not do.

Remember, there’s no such thing as Lead-Free… there’s only living healthy and Lead-Safe.

Lumetallix.us Instant Lead Detection kit
Get Lumetallix Instant Lead Detection test at Lumetallix.us

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Lumetallix Instant Lead Detection test

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