Please refer to your contract and enter the amount you owe above. If you have questions about how much you owe please contact us. We do not take partial payments.
Visual Inspection
Dust Wipe Inspection
The Inspector will begin the Dust Wipe Sampling by determining the specific areas of rooms that will be sampled. Dust wipe samples will be taken from the floor, a window sill, and a window trough in each room depending on size and layout of the property unit.
This will complete the Dust Wipe Sampling. A “PASS” or “FAIL” will only be determined when the dust wipe sample report is completed by the laboratory. If a “FAIL” is indicated, the owner will have to take corrective action and then schedule/initiate a follow-up inspection with the Inspector.
Clearance Inspection Report
A final report package will be provided by the Inspector to the property owner. The property owner will then file the report package with the Toledo Lucas County Health Department for registration as Lead-Safe in accordance with the Toledo Ordinance.